Look von @tinaprokas vom 7 September, 2019 | 21 Buttons
3720 Besuche
tinaprokas Silky smooth in this little green number by @prettylittlething —— MY DRESS LENGTH HACK👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼: I find it really hard to come by dresses now days that are the perfect length don’t you? 😩Either too long or too short. For us short gals most of the time my dress lengths are abit too long and I don’t have the time to go and get every piece tailored. My solution is just owning a ton of adjustable waist belts different colours and styles. I would recommend investing in 2/3 good waist belts that will go with everything. Make sure the belt is nice and fitted and pull the the extra fabric under the belt in an upwards motion and allow the fabric to rest on the belt like I did. Congratulations you just lost a few inches off that dress length😜

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