1907 Besuche
kristinrosedavis Let's talk botox. I recently had someone DM me and tell me one of the reasons they started following me was because of how open I was about what I get done and the products I use! It made me so happy because I always just want to be open and honest with you guys! I feel like there is a stigma that sometimes comes with botox and I don't understand it. If people want to get botox or injections or a nose job, then I'm all for anyone doing what makes them feel like their best selves. I have been getting botox for about 2 full years now. I started when I was 31 and I'm all for it. I love it. It makes me feel more confident during photo shoots and I feel like it just enhances my natural face.
I recently went to @drhillaryt at @nailed_boutique and I wanted to share her with you because I love the natural approach she uses. She's been doing injections for years and if you have been thinking about getting them done, I would highly suggest scheduling a consult or appointment with her. She listens to exactly what you want and will be able to help figure out what problem areas you have! Plus she's got great prices (a little lower than most other places I have looked into in Utah!). I normally do my 11s, a little bit on my forehead, my crows feet, and bunny lines!
Feel free to leave me any questions you have below!
#liketkit http://liketk.it/2BEwc @liketoknow.it #LTKbeauty #utahblogger #saltlakecityutah #utahbotox #botox #nailedboutique